WILTW: Choline and pregnancy

August 5th, 2021

The below excerpt taken from Dr. Tieraona Low Dog’s (@lowdogmd) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CSKHf_VLsWR/

“In 1998, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) recognized choline as an essential nutrient vital for proper liver function, heart health, the prevention of congenital disabilities during pregnancy, and the healthy development of the brain and nervous system of young children, and more. So, let’s take a look at the importance of choline during pregnancy.⁣

Similar to folic acid, choline plays an imperative role in preventing problems in early child development. It may also provide children lifelong protection against anxiety and exaggerated responses to stressors. Both the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics have confirmed the importance of choline during pregnancy and lactation. Yet dietary surveys show that most Americans—including pregnant women, women of childbearing age, and vegetarians—dietary intake is well below the recommended adequate intake (AI).⁣

Breastfed babies have a high need for choline in their mother’s milk to ensure brain development in areas involved with thought and memory. While the FDA requires that choline is in infant formulas, most pre and postnatal supplements either do not contain choline or contain very low amounts (40–55 mg), making it crucial that women get sufficient amounts in their diet and supplementation.⁣

The AI for women is 425 mg per day, increasing to 450 mg during pregnancy and 550 mg while breastfeeding. Given that the AI is roughly 200–300 mg, I recommend finding a pre and postnatal that provides 200–300 mg of choline per day and increases choline-rich foods in the diet. These include salmon (3 ounces ~ 187 mg), whole eggs (1 egg ~150 mg), and shiitake mushrooms (one cup ~116 mg), roasted soybeans (one cup ~210mg), and beef liver (3 ounces ~240 mg).⁣”


Korsmo HW, et al. Choline: Exploring the Growing Science on Its Benefits for Moms and Babies. Nutrients 2019 Aug; 11(8): 1823. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31394787/

Schwarzenberg SJ, et al. Advocacy for Improving Nutrition in the First 1000 Days to Support Childhood Development and Adult Health. Pediatrics 2018 Feb;141(2):e20173716. https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/141/2/e20173716

Wallace TC, et al. Choline: The Underconsumed and Underappreciated Essential Nutrient. Nutr Today Nov-Dec 2018;53(6):240-253. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30853718/


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